Function and Fault Code Removal
Some owners might want to disable certain engine functions. This can include things like removing swirl flaps, EGR, and start-stop features.
Once this happens, the engine management system usually triggers a Fault Code or P Code, turning on the “check engine light.” TWP can turn off this feature and the engine fault code, preventing the engine from going into “limp home” mode.
Below is a list of systems which are support by Viezu’s file software for removal. These options are ECU dependent and are not supported on every vehicle.
Swirl Flaps
Catalytic converter (O2)
Speed limiter (VMax)
Hot Start
Secondary air injection (SAI/SAP)
Start Stop
Active Grill Shutter (AGS)
Fault code delete (DTC)
Exhaust flap
If you have anything you would like to remove that is not listed above, please contact us regarding this and we will let you know if we can support you with it.
It is important that you are aware of the local laws and regulations when removing components from any vehicle.