Last Updated: 24/02/2025


Please ensure that you read through these terms of sale between you (our customer) and us (TWPerformance). From here on TWPerformance and their responsibilities will be referred to as ‘we’, ‘us’ or ‘our’ and you the customer and your responsibilities as ‘you’ or ‘your’.

Please read these terms and conditions carefully and in full, prior to signing the disclaimer provided to you at the checkout, or in person, and prior to paying your deposit or engaging. TWPerformance in its services. We will not accept any liability or offer any refunds for your failure to do so.

1.      Manufacturer Warranty 

The original vehicle manufacturer makes its own determinations regarding the effects of Add-On products and/or service to its warranties – this includes ECU remapping . We encourage all our customers to check this with the vehicle manufacturer directly. TWPerformance shall in no way be held responsible nor liable for anything pertaining to or resulting from the original vehicle manufacturers warranty and/or terms of use.

2. TWPerformance/Viezu warranty/Guarantee

Our remap files are insured through Viezu who are covered not only for public liability but also specifically for their technical work and remap files (15). Viezu offers tuning solutions to some of the world’s largest vehicle fleets, some with over 40,000 vehicles per fleet, and also offer support to the world’s most reputable tuning and race teams with many hundreds and thousands of pounds invested in any one single vehicle. As a Viezu retail customer through us as approved dealers, you can be totally confident that nothing is left to chance.

TWPerformance offer Viezu’s 30 day money back guarantee on all our software and 30 day peace of mind file changes (14).

If the car is taken to a different remapping company or garage, then Viezu’s warranty and any guarantees detailed in these terms will be void as our file could have been tampered with or altered.

3.      Vehicle Insurance 

We encourage you to notify your insurance company as soon as possible, after your vehicle has been remapped. Remapping can significantly alter your vehicle's performance and, consequently, its risk profile. Insurance companies may consider remapping to be a modification. Although ultimately this may not have an impact on your premium, failure to disclose this modification may lead to complications in the event of a claim, or worse, could result in your policy being voided. We accept no liability for any consequences of your failure to do this or for any increased cost or fees in your vehicle insurance premiums as a result of the remapping.


4.      Deposit

A deposit will be taken at the time of arranging your appointment. This is a non-refundable deposit in the following circumstances: If you cancel giving 24 hours notice or without re arranging my appointment. If your car cannot be tuned due to existing faults or fault codes being present on the day of your appointment or that come up during initial health checks. It transpires that the vehicle has already been tuned previously by a third party. If we feel upon initial inspection that the vehicle is not in a roadworthy condition

In addition to the above, you may also be charged an additional £50 fee to cover labor and full diagnostic health check, and a mileage charge if it is a mobile visit (5)

5.      Installation charge and mileage

We reserve the right to charge an installation fee of £50. Common reasons we may charge this fee include, but are not limited to: Failed remap due to the unsatisfactory condition of the vehicle or fault codes being present at the appointment, it transpires the vehicle has already been mapped and so is no longer able to be, the vehicle does not respond as expected, or an unforeseeable reason that causes the vehicle ECU to not accept a remap. In most circumstances this fee will be covered by the non-refundable deposit (4)

We also reserve the right to charge our installation fee if: You lose the file from the vehicle as it has been overwritten by a main dealer update, you want the file removed at the end of a PCP contact, you invoke our 30 day money back guarantees for any reason, or our 30 day file change peace of mind service (14). In most of these circumstances, however, we may waive the installation fee as a gesture of goodwill.

Mileage - From time to time, depending on where you are located and if we are needing to travel to you, by pre-agreement with you, we will impose a mileage charge. We would discuss this with you at the time, if relevant

Our fees may be updated at any time

6.      Vehicle condition

Our ECU Remapping service is fully safe but is dependent on your vehicle being in full operating order and within the manufacturer standard tolerances. If the hardware (engine, parts and components) on the vehicle are not working within the expected tolerances, then remapping the vehicle could cause damage to said hardware. You are responsible for ensuring the vehicle is in good health before remapping. All vehicles brought to us for remapping or any other services we provided, will be taken on face value and regarded as fit and in good working order upon introduction, it isn’t our obligation to demonstrate it so. If you know otherwise, it is your responsibility to inform us.

We will complete an initial visual health check at the start of your appointment (7) but this is in order for us to determine that we are happy to carry out a remapping service. This does not negate your obligations outlined in these terms and conditions and on the disclosure declaration that you will have signed prior to the appointment.

As guide, a vehicle is consider at the suitable level for remapping if it has been well maintained through regular servicing as per manufacturers guidelines, using genuine parts and it has had its cambelt/water pump changed, its gearbox service oil changed, and timing belt scheduling maintained.

To ensure you receive the best possible results and avoid any mechanical failures, remap servicing should not, and will not, be performed on a vehicle which is faulty or in poor condition. Upon engaging our services, you will be asked to confirm that your vehicle is: at the appropriate level of health and maintenance to receive our services, is in a road worthy condition, and that it has being taxed, and MOT’d for the purpose of a road test.

Before engaging our services, we will also ask you to disclose your vehicles history and any past or current modifications to both its software and mechanically. It is your responsibility to ensure that the information your provided to our team is accurate. On some occasions it may be found or declared that a vehicle has previously been tuned. We have previously overwritten existing tuned files that have been poorly tuned by other companies ,and there has been a marked improvement. We will however, always honestly discuss this with you and give you the option. We will never install a file in this instance without your consent. If you decide not to go ahead, we reserve the right to charge our installation fee (5) for work done up to that point.

​We will inform you of any issues that arise during the remapping process.  If we feel that, in our opinion, a remap to your vehicle will be detrimental, we reserve the right to abort the remap and inform you of this. The deposit will be lost (4) and or installation fee charged (5).

7.      Initial vehicle health check and remapping appointment

During the appointment, we will conduct our own health check on your vehicle. This does not negate your obligations outlined in these terms and conditions and on the disclosure that you will have signed prior to the appointment. Unreported issues not identified during the pre-health check are  your responsibility.

We will start with a visual inspection of the vehicle, including under the bonnet. A further vehicle health check will then be carried out using a professional diagnostic tool, and this will also be used to evaluate and record the condition of the vehicle, to ensure we are happy to provide you with our remapping services. We are not liable for costs associated with fixing faults either present or found (pending or otherwise) during a diagnostic check, either before nor after you have your vehicle remapped. Nor are we liable for any mechanical faults that arise after the remap.

As per your obligations regarding your vehicle condition, upon vehicle presentation, we expect that vehicles are in good working mechanical order without error codes stored in the ecu that will affect the results of the remap. If we find such problems, we will advise that the problem is fixed before a remap and we may charge an installation fee (5). In addition, if we find your vehicle has already had a remap, we may also charge our installation fee (5) to cover work already carried out.

These steps, together with the information you have provided to us, will determine whether the vehicle is an appropriate subject for our remap servicing. We reserve the right to decline to carry out such work if we believe, in our opinion, that your vehicle is not in the optimum condition for remapping services. We also reserve the right to retain your deposit (4) or charge our installation fee (5) if we find that the vehicle is not suitable due to fault codes being present on the day or if the vehicle is not in roadworthy condition or maintained correctly.

Vehicles are left at the owners risk. A full video inventory of your cars interior and exterior for existing damage, will be taken before you leave the vehicle with us.

Most vehicles can be written via the OBD (On Board Diagnostic) plug normally located under the steering wheel. This is effectively 'plug and play'. Some vehicles are BENCH. This requires removal of the ECU from the vehicle and connecting manually. Unfortunately some vehicles say both BENCH and OBD but can only be accessed via BENCH when we attempt OBD connection. We will, in the majority of cases, charge an additional fee for this. We will always discuss this with you, and demonstrate how we are unable to get an OBD connection if requires, before attempting bench. BENCH work may not always be possible on the same day and rebooking may be required.

Speed limit removals. All vehicles have a factory speed limit. We can not tell what this is we can only turn it off. Some vehicles, especially ex fleet vehicles have a black box fitted to set the speed limit. Mapping this out is impossible as it needs to be removed and could be anywhere in the vehicle. If we perform a speed limit removal and it does not work it is because of this. Eg. A VW transporter is limited to 70mph via a black box. The factory speed limit is set at 120mph. Our map will only turn the factory set limiter off. As we would be unaware until this point, we cannot offer a refund as we have removed the factory set. We strongly advise you try all other options before asking for this. Some speed limits can be removed without mapping through a diagnostic tool. We do not offer this service

8.      Remapping results  

Every vehicle is individual and has been subject to different environments, driving styles and maintenance levels during its lifetime. Added to this, manufacturers will, from time to time, put different ECUs into the same model of car and there are also a number of vehicles that may have abnormal configurations or modifications which are only evident when reading the ECU.

Therefore power/torque gains quoted on this website or by our team for your ECU remap, are approximate, as are the actual figures quoted of your engine’s factory standard power and torque, shown, which are provided by your car manufacturer. Performance can also be lost over time depending on a multitude of factors. Fuel efficiency of your vehicle after a remap also depends on a number of factors, and so again the figures quotes on our website or by a member of our team, are approximate. Factors that can affect this include, but are not limited to: outside temperature, driving style, tyre pressures, regular and correct service and maintenance of your vehicle. We shall in no way be held responsible nor liable for any of the results, claimed or otherwise, that may or may not come from the services we provide.

In order to ensure we are delivering the best service possible to our customers, we use industry leading Alientech equipment who ensure vehicle and transmission databases are updated daily. In addition, we only use tuning files provided by Vieuz Technologies and so we are therefore very confident that our data and file quality is amongst the most in-depth ECU remapping data services currently available anywhere in the world, with files that are individually tested at development stage for both safety and emissions, by Viezu.

9.      Mechanical failure

All our engine and gear box maps are tested to the highest standards and are very reliable. Remap services are strictly software changes to your vehicle, no physical components will be upgraded or changed.  Remapping consists of changes in parameters within the vehicle's ECU.  Once these changes have taken place, you need to be aware that the vehicle is now working harder than it has previously, and any unknown pre-existing conditions may be vulnerable and prone to failing more quickly than they may have before remapping, in essence, remapping can highlight weakness that were present in your vehicle, but perhaps dormant, prior to the remapping.  

Although our remaps are within manufacturers tolerances, the extra power will hasten mechanical components life expectancy and near end of life components could be exposed, potentially failing immediately or in the near future. If your vehicle is regularly serviced, this substantially reduces the likelihood of any mechanical failures. Therefore if an issue arises with your vehicle following our remap service, it will most likely be due to a mechanical fault that was there before, but as described above, now enhanced by the remap, and not a fault with the remap itself.

Engine parts that are subject to wear may be prone to failure after tuning. Its important to remember that vehicle components can fail when standard just like they can do when remapped. Common failures include, but are not limited to: clutches, gearboxes ,injectors, DPF’s, turbos, coil packs, boost leaks (boost pipes), duel mass flywheel, intercoolers,  EGR valve and MAF sensor. Many of these are serviceable items that would usually require replacement as part of good maintenance. We do not accept liability for any mechanical parts failure before, during or after ECU remapping of any kind. We do not offer any types of warranty for your modified vehicle, and no vehicle warranty is given or implied to any components on your vehicle before or after the remapping process, apart from the remap file itself (14 & 15). We do not accept any liability for any bills or loss of earnings.

In some rare cases, an ECU may fail or go down during the tuning process, this is unavoidable and it isn’t possible to predict beforehand. In some cases, this may result in the ECU having to be replaced at your cost and we will accept no liability with regards to ECU failure. You need to be aware that although rare, this is a risk from remapping any car. With regards to the remapping process itself, we will always try the least obtrusive and least detectable method to tune your vehicle first, however, in some instances, we may have to remove and open your ECU. We will discuss this with you if relevant, at our appointment.


10.  DPF (Diesel Particulate Filter) & EGR Deletion and Tuning

We, as an approved Viezu Technologies dealer, aim to offer the very best in vehicle tuning and so therefore will only recommend modifications suitable for the required application and will advise you to verify any local legislations and requirements for the vehicle to be used off-road only, track, exhibition events and other off road vehicle use activities.

DPF and EGR Management is a controversial matter and there are some very important considerations for you to take before having this service. If you opt to take one of these options, you will be asked to sign an additional disclaimer to confirm you understand the terms of use.

We can tune DPF & EGR deletion, but remember, DPF & EGR removal is illegal in many places. In the UK and Europe, you must have a DPF filter and EGR in your vehicle if it was originally equipped with one and is used on public roads. There are of course approved and legitimate reasons for DPF deletion, including off-road use, motor-sport and other special projects.

Any emissions bypass control software such as DECAT, DPF, GPF, EGR, Adblue deletes is taken entirely at the owner’s risk with regards to MOT’s.

11.  Popping, Banging, Race tuning and Non-recommended remaps

We do not recommend pops and bangs or hard cut limiters for any vehicle due to the potential engine damage it can cause. These features will only be added at your request and entirely at your own risk.

We, as an approved Viezu Technologies dealer, aim to offer the very best in vehicle tuning and so therefore will only recommend modifications suitable for the required application and will advise you to verify any local legislations and requirements for the vehicle to be used off-road only, track, exhibition events and other off road vehicle use activities.

We can only recommend tuning for on road vehicles researched as reliable, and with no effects on the vehicle operation or longevity.

If you instruct us to perform or supply Tuning Services that go beyond the recommendations of the Company, or that may not be suitable due to the age, mileage or condition of the vehicle; you will be asked to confirm and agree by signing an additional disclaimer confirming that you are aware of the advice given and will take responsibility for proceeding against recommendations.

Motorsport Tuning demanding greater performance or higher than the Company recommended tuning levels for a privately-owned vehicles, intended for use on the road, will need to consider the vehicles service and maintenance cycles.  Since, performance increased to higher levels normally reserved for motorsport purposes, will require more frequent service cycles, in-line with normal motorsport protocols and lead to reduced service times for privately-owned vehicles.  The component life, including, but not limited to engine, brakes, transmission and drive chain, damage the vehicle, its parts and/or compromise its safety, reliability and longevity. Specifically, no warranty of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose or any other warranty or insurance is made or to be implied with respect to tuning of this level.

12.  Post remap service test drive

Following a remap, we will test drive the vehicle with the aim of ensuring that your car has responded well to our remap service, and to ensure that the new settings have not caused any faults with your vehicle. Although rare, some vehicles may not respond as expected. If the car has not responded as expected after the test drive, we will remove the tuned file from your vehicle, replace it with its original stock file / normal read file and refund you minus our Installation fee (5). We will always discuss this with you.

Upon completion of the remapping, we will encourage you to test drive the vehicle to confirm you are happy with the service.  At this point it is expected that you will make payment for the remaining balance of your remap

13.  Non payment

Any persons refusing to pay, on your property, will be given 7 days by letter to make payment. Any persons refusing pay the amount owed on our property will be refused keys until payment has been satisfied.

Aggressive or intimidating refusal to pay will be regarded as theft and the police will be called. We will pursue all non-payment through the County Court.

Our staff will not tolerate any abusive / threatening behavior / words that make us feel unsafe.

We reserve the right to refuse service and/or ask for full payment upfront.


14.  Guarantee/warranty issues and refunds

Peace of mind guarantee - If you are not 100% satisfied with your remap, for any reason and your vehicle is returned to us within 30 days from the date of the remap process having been completed, we will either: make alterations to the file as required, free or charge or remove the tuned file from your vehicle and replace it with its original/stock file and refund you. This does not apply to vehicles that have had any mechanical processes such as DPF / EGR / DECAT / FLAPS deletes carried out or any other physical modifications. We will ask you to bring the vehicle to us in order to carry out the necessary work under the guarantee. Alternatively, if this is not possible, we may charge a mileage fee (5). We also reserve the right to charge an installation fee  (5) for file change/reversal under the guarantee, but in most circumstances this is waived as a gesture of goodwill and provided free of charge (FOC).

After the 30 days have expired, there will be a charge to return the vehicle to stock if requested,  that being 50% of the cost of the original work. We will ask you to bring the vehicle to us in order to carry this out. Alternatively, if this is not possible, we may charge a mileage fee (5). This does not apply to vehicles that have the DPF / EGR / DECAT / FLAPS delete process carried out or any other modifications where no refunds will be given.

If your car is diagnosed with a mechanical fault, then we can remove the remap for you, no refunds will be given for this if it is outside of the 30-day terms set out above. We will ask you to bring the vehicle to us in order for us to do this, if this is not possible, we may charge a mileage fee (5). We can then re-install the remap for you once you have had the vehicle fixed. This is also the case if your file is lost, for example, overwritten by a main dealer update . For the most part we are happy to provide this service at no extra charge (FOC), however we reserve the right to charge our installation charge (5) for this depending on how much time is required to remove/re-install the remap.

In some circumstances we may ask you to have your vehicle diagnosed by a third-party mechanic to independently verify any issues and if this is the case, these additional fees will not be covered by ourselves. But we ask that you contact us first before paying other companies to check the vehicle over. We will not refund if a fault has occurred on your vehicle that is proven not to be down to our software. If the car is taken to a different remapping company or garage, prior to you contacting us for approval, then Viezu’s warranties and guarantees will be void as our file could have been tampered with or altered

We offer these limited guarantees/warranties, to the original purchaser of the remap only. Proof (by way of receipt) and the date of the original purchase will be required before any guarantee requests will be processed. Guarantees/warranties are non-transferable between cars or owners.

It is with regret that we must also inform you that slanderous activity without evidence on or off social media is prohibited. Failure to adhere may result in legal action by TWPerformance.


15.  Viezu and workmanship insurance

Viezu tunes are insurance backed, so you have complete peace of mind.  As an ISO 9001:2008 registered organisation, they track the quality of their work, complaints and issues.  This means that in the highly unlikely event you experience a concern directly attributed to one of our remaps, we have a robust, transparent and independent process to help.

The process is straightforward. The remap file is inspected and reviewed for any previous quality concerns. Their team will also ask us to inspect the vehicle and relay any concerns raised  by you as the customer.  An independent assessment of the vehicle may also be necessary and this will need to be carried out by a suitably qualified independent inspection engineer (for example IAEA) to impartially determine the root cause of the fault.

Viezu stands apart from other ECU tuning providers as their insurance is independently underwritten and covers all the file writing and tuning services they provide through us as approved dealers.

They are independently audited by the British Standards Institute to ensure they continue to meet the quality standards expected of them

Products and services offered by VIP Design, Paramount Performance Ltd and Viezu Technologies Ltd are covered under their  guarantee when used correctly in legal public highway use. Specifically, they can’t support, or warrant vehicles, products or services used in motorsport, track-day, competition, off-road or rally conditions. Vehicle owners who undertake such practices must accept all implications of extreme vehicle use.

Feel free to ask for a copy of their insurance and quality policies at any time – terms and conditions apply.  Consequential losses are not covered.


16.  Privacy Policy and Data Protection

At TWPerformance, we value your privacy. This Privacy Policy outlines how we collect, use, and protect your information when you visit our website and use our services.

Information We Collect

We collect various types of information to enhance your experience:

  • Personal Information: When you make a purchase for our services, we may collect personal details such as your name, email address, postal address, and payment information.

  • Non-Personal Information: We may gather non-personal data, including your device information, IP address, browser type, pages visited on our site, and the time and date of your visit.

How We Use Your Information

Your information may be used in several ways, including:

  • To process transactions and manage your orders.

  • To improve our website, products, and services based on user feedback and behaviour.

  • To send periodic emails regarding your order or other products and services.

  • To respond to enquiries and customer support requests.

Information Sharing

We do not sell or trade your personal information to third parties. However, we may share your details with trusted partners to assist us in operating our website, conducting our business, or servicing you, as long as those parties agree to keep this information confidential.

If we are under a duty to disclose or share your personal data, in order to comply with any legal obligation, or in order to enforce or apply our terms and conditions or to protect the rights, property, or safety of TWPerformance, our customers, or others. This includes exchanging information with other companies and organisations for the purposes of fraud protection and credit risk reduction.

Data Protection

We operate in accordance with current data protection legislation. In order to provide you with the best service we can, we collect certain personal information about you. When you purchase services via the site, we need to collect information about you to process the transaction and fulfil your order.

The security of your personal information is paramount. We implement a variety of security measures to maintain the safety of your personal data. Your information is stored in secure networks and is accessible only by a limited number of individuals who have special access rights.

This information may include, but is not limited to, details such as your name, email address, address and type of payment card details.

TWPerformance may use your personal information to keep you informed about events, news and offers, which we think will be of interest to you. We may also use the information to process any transactions you undertake with us and for internal administration and analysis. We do not sell, rent or trade your personal information to third parties for marketing purposes under any circumstances.

Unfortunately, the transmission of information via the internet is not completely secure. Although We will do our best to protect your personal data, We cannot guarantee the security of your data transmitted to our Site, any transmission is at your own risk. Once we have received your information, we will use strict procedures and security features to try to prevent unauthorised access.


Our site may use "cookies" to enhance user experiences. You can choose to set your web browser to refuse cookies or to alert you when cookies are being sent. If you do so, please note that some parts of the website may not function properly.

Your Rights

You have the right to request access to the personal information we hold about you, and you may request that we correct or delete any inaccuracies. If you wish to exercise these rights, please contact us using the information provided below.

Changes to This Privacy Policy

We may update this Privacy Policy from time to time. Any changes will be posted on this page, and if they are significant, we may provide a more prominent notice.

Contact Us

If you have any questions regarding this Privacy Policy, please contact us at:


Your trust is invaluable to us, and we are committed to safeguarding your information while delivering exceptional products and services.